Tuesday, June 23, 2009


An unassuming film with actors who seem perfectly natural; a story that is not going anywhere. Its more than a slice of life with a philosophy behind that does reach one. There is a cuteness about it; a film about kids can hardly do without. But this one doesn't jar. The love interest too is refreshing. Little unexpected turns maintain interest.
People have said that it lags a bit; but for each person its a different stage.
But, everyone says - lovely film. And so do I. I don't want to give the story away but do watch it.


sundar said...

You are right. It's nice to watch this movie with all new faces. 'Pakkada' is brilliant in acting " ஜீவா இப்ப பல்ல கடிப்பான் பாரேன்.....கைய முறுக்குவான் பாரேன்”....even that love pair also very fresh and lively
"இங்கிட்டு மீனாட்சி...அங்கிட்டு” that's a lovely dialogue, I should say.....

kallu said...

Sundar, you've really watched the movie keenly and enjoyed its nuances. Great spirit