Friday, July 25, 2008

Mozhi and Relationships

I've just been watching the film Mozhi in full after seeing it in a great many drips on TV. Its a lovely film with lovely people, not only lovely on the outside but on the inside too.

The hero asks the actually-bright but literally-dumb heroine to marry him. While she sees her deafness as a barrier, he says he will enter her world, share it with her and love her for ever.

While this is all so beautiful, I do wonder if its realistically possible for two people to live in a happy ever after mode. Relationships go in such cycles especially when you live together in proximity.All the nitty gritty of life plays such a big part in expectations and who does what and for whom. Not only with a couple but even with parents, siblings, friends and aunts and uncles and cousins.

At times, you are happily coexisting and at others, you even hate the way someone is eating. A lot has to do with how your life is going on in other parts. Everything gets reflected in the home.

Where does someone find the energy to be nice kind and loving always after fighting the big battles outside? He or she has to be extraordinarily centered and love life and himself/herself.


Maddy said...

hv u read my blog on mozhi - always reminds me of my friend and our conversations with him - alas the fingers are not so fast these days, we lost touch about 15 yrs ago..

Maddy said...

Where does someone find the energy to be nice kind and loving always after fighting the big battles outside?..............I guess its all inside,may be after fighting battles

Swarna said...

I loved the movie - really worth the while!
Kalyani, let's hope there are real success stories.

kallu said...

Maddy and Swarna, there are some extraordinary people in the world who keep everyone else going. And we do have loving kindness in side us- maybe in greater or smaller measures.
It appears at different times to keep the balance.